HHarvest (France) specializes in publishing financial, asset and tax planning software mainly for banking and insurance professionals.
HHarvest (France) specializes in publishing financial, asset and tax planning software mainly for banking and insurance professionals.
Homerez was created in Paris by 3 former colleagues from booking.com. They propose an innovative software solution to help owners to rent their holiday or second property in...
Ideel provides a contracts and subscriptions management platform enabling everyone to easily get an overview of their subscriptions.
Then, the user can through a very...
Impeto Medical (France) designs and markets an innovative type 2 diabetes screening and diagnostic device. It outputs a reliable score for diabetes and prediabetes, to improve...
Inalve has developed a unique proprietary process for cultivating microalgae (tetraselmis) and keep them alive as feed for aquaculture.
Indexima has developed DATA HUB to provide IT teams with the missing “layer” in an ANALYTICS Data-Driven landscape and Data Analytics solutions such as Tableau®, Excel®,...
Intento Design was founded in Spring 2015 to provide responsive technology for analog IP. The company was born from 25 years of research aimed at developing a new analog design...
Iome Bio is a French company founded on discoveries from Sharpe and Kasper (Harvard) laboratories that explore microbiome based mechanisms to develop new drugs in...
IPDiA is a leading manufacturer of Integrated Passive Devices. Its technology has been adopted by world leaders in medical electronics, semiconductor area and high reliability...
Ipsogen développe et commercialise des tests de diagnostic moléculaire qui permettent de cartographier les maladies pour guider la décision des cliniciens et de leurs...